Wells Fargo's Treatment of Its Employees: Epic Incompetence
So here's a summary, since I don't like to think about it, so don't want to write it a bunch of times:
Regular salary: Wells Fargo simply stopped paying me for the last month I was working (June). I went through multiple phone options, and multiple clueless people, and ended up with the WorkComp people, who said it was because they couldn't get it together what hours I'd worked (!). Finally, they deposited some pay on 7/14. The amount didn't look right, so I called WF's Payroll, and had my pay stubs sent to me. Sure enough, the 6/30 salary is missing. So I shall have to go back into the fray and fight for my last period's pay. I might add that Wells Fargo's employee procedures are horrendously fragmented -- each department only handles a tiny slice of the whole picture, and absolutely no one has any idea what else is going on or what status it's in. It's not unusual to be passed through 5 or 6 people.
Short Term Disability pay: After a lot of stonewalling, I just got a letter saying my STD was rejected because Wells Fargo told them that they would have accomodated my reduced hours. This is a bald-faced lie. Either the STD folk are lying about WF said to them, or Wells shamelessly lied to them. I have the dates, times, and participants of numerous occasions where I was told emphatically and clearly that there would be no accommodation on the "performance plan" including for the time I was out with neck surgery. This plan, mind you, is one that has all the able bodied team members working 14 hours a day. So that's been sent to my attorney.
Crocker annuity: I just got a cc'd on a letter from the handlers of Crocker's plan to Wells Fargo, saying that they can't begin my payments because Wells Fargo won't respond to their requests for verification of my work status. When I called Wells Fargo they answered only that they would send it today, with no explanation as to why they'd stonewalled it. This amount will be very tiny, but at this point we're talking groceries.
401K: Much as I don't want to chip into that, I'll clearly have to. WF sent me forms to fill out for disbursement of funds, and I filled them out, and mailed them in. I checked into them several weeks ago, to make sure all was in order, and the Wells Fargo agent wasn't sure (!). I couldn't understand why he wasn't sure, and he couldn't give me an explanation. But he figured it was "probably" all right. So I called again yesterday, and this time the agent searched around -- somewhere? -- and said no forms have been received. He had no explanation for that, but assured me he would send me a new set of forms in the mail. I wonder what will become of this new set when I send them in.
Insurance coverage: The one bright spot was that I'd signed up to pay for continuation of my health insurance, and it would be carried over seamlessly on 6/30. With the unresolved health issues, that was a load off my mind. Imagine my surprise when I got a letter from Kaiser dated 7/12 notifying me that my coverage had lapsed and was cancelled. I searched my online statement, and they had in fact deducted the insurance payment from my account, but -- not until July 5th!! And they had somehow managed to not get the payment to Kaiser by the 12th. When I called Wells Fargo (more phone pinball) they were quite uninterested, and felt sure that Kaiser would get the payment some time or other. They would not explain why the payment hadn't been deducted until the 5th (and weren't interested). I guess it's another incident of having just "forgot." Dealing with Wells Fargo is just a thrill a minute.
On the medical front: a whole lot of nothing continues to be done. The WC (WorkComp) doctor wants me to repeat the neck surgery I had in May, which was horrendously painful and cost a lot of money to get to, and gave no improvement. I couldn't understand why we'd repeat something useless, and he said maybe it will help this time. I've noted that he obviously has a very good relationship with the firm that does the surgery. Then the surgery folk left me a phone message to say they'd received authorization for the next one, and to call them for an appointment. So I called them, and they said, no, they hadn't received my authorization. I said they had, that it was their office that had called me to say so, but they insisted they didn't have it. I gave it a few days and called again, in hopes of getting someone else (think Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where the crusaders ask the hostile Frenchman "Is there someone else we can talk to?"], and this person said yes, they had the authorization. But she wanted me to make a post-op/pre-op appointment with the aide (another expensive trip) to review again the results of the last one. But when we started to make the appointment, she said there was a problem with the aide's schedule, and she'd call me back. She never did, of course, so I called back, and it turns out the aide has left their firm and she set me up with a new person for 8/9. I don't have fine use of my hands (hand writing, opening packages, etc.) at all now, a lot of the time, but the hand surgeon doesn't want to deal with that until the neck surgery/ies are dealt with.
And the WC doctor continues to say that I can work 6 hours a day, another bald faced lie, a lie that prevents me from getting any assistance or voice software. All other doctors, including his own hand consultant, insist that I shouldn't be doing any keyboarding at all, certainly not more than an hour or two a day. I'm not sure what his motivation is for this falsehood, but it will look bad for him when the other doctors testify against him.
It seems ironic that after paying STD and LTD insurance fees all my life, for decades, thinking it was protection in case I ever need it -- the insurance was all a fraud and a scam, and here I am with zero income. After decades of busting my tail.
What is the world coming to?