Doing better
The docs warned me about significant pain after the megadrugs wore off, but since I came through it so well I knew that I'd be fine. Wronnnnnnnng. The pain came, the next day, and was much worse than I thought it would be. I did a lot of lying down, and I guess it did me good because I'm doing fine now. Post-implentation walk-through is on Wednesday.
My sleep is all askew, because of pain meds etc., but that has its perks. I stepped out a little while ago just as one of the new fox babies was strolling by. All by himself! He pitterpattered nonchalantly along the cliff-edge promenade, smelling this and that, and seemed completely unaware that I was there, so I got a great good look at him. What a darling.
Pìcaro figures all this loafing entitles him to 72 varieties of catfood rather than 35, to be refreshed/replaced at 30-minute intervals instead of 90 minutes, so he's having a high old time. He's been very protective, though, (bless his heart) and brought me many fine, fat gophers to eat.
Be assured I'm babying myself as well, and taking it real easy. And thanks to everyone, for everything so far.
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