Post-op Visit 5/31
Back to the scene of the crime. No significant improvement, but I'm not worse than I was. But if there will be beneficial effects, it can take some time, so I go back in 4 weeks for another check. I asked about other options and the picture's not good. He says that there's a surgery, but that I'm not a good candidate for that. He says that an artificial/repaired disc can work for discrete damage, where the surrounding discs are good, but that when they are bad (as is the case for me, for a total of 6 discs), then it can create stress on the remaining discs and cause a domino weakening effect. Arrgh. So it looks like, for me, the remedies are constrained to meds and injections. Tomorrow I see the pain doc for a checkup, to determine when I can be up/out/around.
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